Newsroom Category: Misc

Ashley Della Pelle’s Radiation Experience

On February 12, 2019, I received the results of my PET scans and learned that I had a really large tumor on my hip. My doctor recommended that I should have radiation done on my hip to help reduce the size of the tumor, as well as reduce the pain. Radiation therapy is a type of treatment for a disease, using x-rays, beams of intense ... More

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness month. Most cases of cervical cancer are caused by the human papillomavirus. The HPV vaccine can help prevent infection from HPV types that can lead to 90% of cervical cancer.   Approximately 13,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year in the United States.  Early detection and screening ... More

Fund Love Launches To Inspire Family, Friends and Caregivers

Fund Love, a non-profit organization founded by Diane O. Zaccagnino, recently launched its inaugural campaign, I AM MORE THAN CANCER. The goal of this campaign is to activate the cancer community through inspirational peer to peer story-telling. Before Diane’s passing in 2015, she outlined her plan for Fund Love, and "told" her husband, ... More

Brain Tumour Charity raises awareness of brain tumors, seeks to reduce diagnosis times

The Brain Tumour Charity, the largest dedicated brain tumor charity in the United Kingdom, is committed to fighting brain tumors in a number of different ways, including by building awareness and supporting research. Recently, through an innovative program, they developed an animated 8-year old boy named Jake, who shares information with ... More

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