Cancer Patient Turned Cancer Thriver and Coach


I turned my pain into purpose, and now I'm living my dream!

Thank you to everyone who reads this. I hope that my story inspires and empowers you to not only survive, but thrive!

I was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 26 years old. At that time in my life, I was living a life of excess, and I was living in a world of pain. I was working a high stress/high-pressure job in a field that I hated. I wasn’t doing anything that brought me joy, and the worst part was that I didn’t love myself, and I was hurting myself physically and emotionally. I lost sight of who I was, and I was severely disconnected from the true me. Then came my diagnosis.

I had surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and started hormone therapy. It was during the radiation sessions that I was introduced to naturopathic medicine. This was a turning point for the rest of my life. I started working with a naturopath, and I saw my health transform. I became completely obsessed with the world of nutrition and how that could play a role in my recovery and beyond.

Nutrition, for me, was of the utmost importance. I felt like I regained a sense of control, I felt like I took my power back. Every time I cooked/ate I made conscious choices that were empowering because I understood how these foods worked to make my body a place where cancer couldn’t thrive.

The more I learned about nutrition, the more I wanted to learn. I ended up quitting my career that I hated, sold everything I owned, moved to a new city to attend the most prestigious holistic nutrition school in Canada (I’m Canadian, eh!). I now have the privilege of being part of one of the best naturopathic oncology clinics in Ontario, and I’m grateful every single day that my job is to serve and give back. I coach people every day about how nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset shifts can benefit their health during and after cancer.

I took myself off of the hormone therapy that I was supposed to be on for the rest of my life, and I now manage my entire cancer prevention protocol using only natural methods. I understand and respect everyone’s views on natural vs conventional medicine, but regardless of what methods you choose for prevention – natural therapies can play a beneficial role even as an adjunct to conventional care. I love explaining the options available and helping my clients make informed and empowered choices that benefit their body, mind, and soul.

I turned my pain into purpose, and now I’m living my dream! You can follow me on Instagram at for quick tips and helpful information that you can use in your own life to take your power back.


ABOUT Lauren


  • Windsor


  • Breast Cancer

Primary Treatment

  • Chemotherapy


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