I was diagnosed with CML (chronic myeloid leukemia) while I was 8 weeks pregnant with my son during a routine blood test. Prior to that I had zero symptoms, at least I thought. Later I found out I had symptoms for years but I thought it was just a part of “getting older”.
I was able to go through majority of my pregnancy untreated until around 30 weeks I started interferon and blood thinners. I gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy and started on 100mg sprycel shortly after.
I only suffer minor side effects (constant body pain, nausea, headaches and extreme fatigue). We were able to get my cancers cells down to almost undetectable after a few short months.
I then decided to try for a second child because I always dreamed of a big family. I was successfully able to go off sprycel for my entire pregnancy the second time, give birth to a healthy baby girl and now I’m back on sprycel again.
My cancer cells went up during pregnancy but I feel blessed to say the sprycel has brought the cancer cells back down to where I was before the second pregnancy.
I know so many may question my choice for the second pregnancy but I look at the leukemia as a road block and not a dead end to the life I wanted to live. I’m ready to face whatever this new lifestyle throws at me, happy or sad, and I want to share that experience with as many people possible.
And last but not least. Kick ass my fellow fighters, you’re all so much stronger than you give yourself credit for 🎗💪🏼
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