More than 90 million people live with cancer today. Many forms of the disease continue to have extremely short survival periods, despite great efforts on the part of patients, families, physicians, and scientists.
There has been progress, allowing many to live with cancer and manage it as more of a chronic condition. Targeted cancer therapies have contributed significantly to the movement, and are today among the most promising options for curing several types of cancer.
This I AM MORE THAN CANCER campaign, consistent with Diane Owens Zaccagnino’s passion for helping others realize their dreams, no matter the odds, aims to raise awareness and support advancements in targeted or personalized cancer treatment.
Murat Gunel MD a neurovascular surgeon and leader in field of genomics, explains further in the video below:
In order to support this amazing, ground-breaking research, our goal is to raise $100,000, by year-end to fund translational research and patient care at Smilow Cancer Center at Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
In addition, we are advancing a petition to the National Center Institute, advocating that the Institute direct additional funding to all NCI-Designated Cancer Centers, to accelerate this research, specifically. Click here to sign the petition: INSERT.
To join us in ending cancer deaths, please visit Yale-New Haven Hospital and direct your gift, in any amount, to the “Closer to Free Fund for Smilow Cancer Hospital”.
[mashshare]FundLove was founded by Diane O. Zaccagnino to spread love and help patients and families throughout the cancer community. I AM MORE THAN CANCER is FundLove’s inaugural campaign.Click here for more.
Experience inspiring stories from our patients, family caregivers, physicians and others.
Tell others about yourself and your journey; inspire them to be MORE THAN CANCER.
Tell others in our community about yourself and your journey, and consider sharing great moments and lessons learned to help them become MORE THAN cancer.Share Your Story & Help Others!